Option to Change Your Degree Objective
Some students decide during the course of their studies that they would like to do research and earn a Master of Science degree in addition to (or instead of) the BCP certificate. Fortunately, all BCP courses are transferable into the Master of Science degree program with a signed waiver from Academic Programs and Graduate Studies*. If you are interested in this possibility you first need to find a thesis advisor (on or off-campus) that is willing to supervise your masters degree research. Once this has been achieved,
- Ask your prospective thesis advisor to email me their intention to act as your thesis advisor.
- Complete a Change of Graduate Objective (COGO) form to add the Master of Science (MS) as a degree objective.
- ENROLL IN AT LEAST ONE COURSE THE SEMESTER THAT YOU TRANSFER INTO THE MS PROGRAM. If you fail to do this you will be dropped from all UnIversity programs! Keep this in mind when you are completing your COGO and requesting a specific semester for admission.
*University rules state that no more than 9-semester units of coursework applicable toward the master’s degree can be completed before admission to the program. To waive this rule, you need to ask the graduate coordinator to submit a waiver to “Academic Programs and Graduate Studies” on your behalf. Any BCP student that needs a waiver, should download and complete this Form and email it to the graduate coordinator (currently, Maria Gallegos).